Well, while it wasn't the ordinary, fluffy white snow that one would expect (actually, it moreso resembled what it'd look like if a slushy-machine exploded), but it was fun! And since I still haven't figured out how to work the photos on blogger, we're going to start from the end...
That's me and my family. You can kinda tell that we were pretty fed up with the snow and looking forward to being back in the lower elevations that were at the time getting DUMPED on by loads of rain and hail. My poor boy (wearing MY new mitten-gloves) had decided to NOT wear socks on this excursion and suffered the consequences of cold-toes-syndrom. But I do have memories of him having a great time tumbling on his ass down the muddy-snowy hillside behind us, so I KNOW there's was more pleasure to the misery than this picture might suggest.
The collective snowman. Cute.
While I DID take a more "picture-frame worthy" photo of the lovely Lyons-Piazza family, this one makes me giggle my head off. All the children at this point were complaining about being cold and wet and hungry and it was just a JOY getting them to sit down long enough for a photo op.
Talk about being out of your element. Chihuahua + snow = paradox.
This is MUCH more fitting. I thought it was quite hilarious that my husband decided to wrestle the dog (looks more like mounting, if you ask me!) in order to distract her from the sudden and sad departure of her new friend, Eleanor.
And there the are. Eleanor and Diana. She SO looks like a puppy! (and maybe that's because she IS a puppy!!!)
I luvz this 'cause I just NAILED him and the remnants are dripping from his nose and beard. I TOTALLY look like I belong in the snow!
The view, looking West across Alexander Valley in NorthWest Sonoma County. Amazing day for perfect photos.
The group on the hill of death (watched them all ALMOST wipe out).
My little angel girl trying to do snow angels. Doesn't really work on slush, honey.
I LOVED this tree! It was so mysterious and creepy looking! I can't wait to see how my film shots of this tree turned out!
My friend Anya getting some footage of Daddy and Angel-girl riding the trashcan lid down a bunny slope.
Love this girl, she LOVED the snow. She looks like she belongs in the snow, too.
This one....eh, not so much. Pretty much hated my gutz for bringing her.
And here at the beginning...my foot prints, equally important as those that lay on the Moon (or in some Hollywood studio). All anxieties brushed aside, and I stepped foot in snow today and had a fantastic outing with my family and dear friends. Today was a good day.
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