When I first herd "Hump Day" I honestly thought it had something to do with people going home and humping each other....or something along those lines. It wasn't until my 72-year-old friend explained the concept to me when I understood that not EVERYTHING, although implied, has to do with sex.
So I was inspired today by the
digthischick's Wednesday "Hump Day Nuggets" blog. I love how she was able to depict life's simplest tasks by way of creative captions on equally creative photos. So I though I'd give it a try...

Today's quintessential Northern California Weather was wrought with rain, then sun, then Hail, then sun, then rain, then strong gusts of wind, then overcasting clouds. It sure made for some extravagant photos, especially for my black and white film camera. I started the day looking out my window to see a freshly drenched Earth, sparkling with Sun as dark rain clouds loomed from behind.
So, with about an hour to kill until Jadziah and I had to head out for the day, we though of sneaking in a quick photoshoot; her with my digital, me with Schubert's Canon A-1 35mm. I managed to get a few really neat self-portraits in the mirror (finally!) while she goofed off with the Sony Cyber-Shot (the most expensive Point-n-Shoot I've ever made the mistake of purchasing). We had lots of fun, as you can see....

Jadziah strangling Diana.

Happy, Sleepy Papa.

Can't mistake it, she's have a blast!
But then it was time for work....which consisted of rain, LOTS of paperwork and Fish 'n chips from Andorno's...

Yes, that's a bag of candy my boss dumped on my desk. Nothing says "I appreciate you" like mini Snickers and MilkyWays all over your desk. :-)
Acutally, that's hail....but rain comes with it.
Not too bad a lunch. I shared my french fries with MaryJane and watched stupid videos as my "lunch break". Then the usual rush to get everything done before I'm done for the week. Thus concluding another day at the "another-day-another-dollar" factory.

Oh yeah, can't forget the "I'm a bad Chihuahua for taking a shit in your office right where you will step on it, but thankfully your boss nor tourists did" episode...Thanks, MJ!

Ah, a beautiful, swollen River. Shabaikai gained a whole 7 feet since last night! No worries, folks, there won't be any flooding this year....not unless we get a repeat of today for 3 days straight.

I get home, warm my hands on soft, children bellies (rode the bike home), then saw a blur of brown hair as husband said "See Ya!" and flew out the door (ok, maybe it didn't happen QUITE that way, but still, he was in a hurry to get out the door and on a break from the monsters). So we waved "Bye Daddy!" as we do everytime one of us departs our home (a tradition we've conveniently picked up from Ever After). Ten minutes later, Daddy returned and escaped to his mancave in the basement.

Now why would anybody want to run away from these little precious angels? Fortunately, photos cannot pick up sounds....otherwise, you'd understand. As I type this, they are wreaking havoc in their room, the little one screaming, the big one taunting. Geeze, no wonder parents go mad! Fortunately, we've got Apples 2 Apples, so that oughta take care of that pesky sound.

You can't tell, but it's raining like crazy out there! Such a beautiful sounds/smell/sight. Well, onto the last 1/3 of my day. Night folks! Happy Hump Day!
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