Wednesday, September 21, 2011


For the most part, today has been an ordinary day.  I've picked back up on a project that sort of took a backseat for a while, and got to sit down and watch an entire movie with my boy.  Every morning since school has started, the kids hop in the car and, like clockwork, Atreyu requests his new favorite song, "Hurrican" by Bob Dylan.  Any ol' version of the song with do, so long as it has that haunting violin track in there.  And of all the things he wanted to watch with me today, he asked to watch (for the second time, mind you) Hurricane, the Story of Ruben "Hurricane" Carter.  Now, I'm assuming those who are reading my blob are somewhat knowledgable and know the story of "The Hurricane."  If not, visit here.
So here we are watching the story of an amazing human being overcoming unbelievable racial prejudice, not to mention some serious mental issues (no doubt caused by a rocky childhood coupled with being wrongfully sentenced to Life in Prison).  Little did I know, that as the credits roll on Hurricane's happy ending, 3000 miles across the country, a life was ending; a life that most likely didn't need to end.
To save myself from any sort of backlash, honestly, I haven't a clue who Troy Davis was until about a week ago.  His story, not unlike Hurricane, is tragic and tugs at the heart strings.  And while this man was convicted of murder, the evidence is lacking, as in entirely!  In Carter's case, the evidence was flawed, tampered; in Davis' case, it just didn't exist.
So here are some of my ramblings about today:

If any of you haven't read the book "My Ishmael" by Daniel Quinn, you MUST!  He lays it out, in black and white, where we went wrong.  It started with putting the FOOD under lock & key, way back in Mesopotamia.  Execution is no stranger to humans, as well as rape, incest, burglary, and war.  I think the more willing we are to embrace the animalistic side of our humanity, the easier we will find it to be in balance.  BALANCE being the key word here.  I do not believe in Peace on Earth so long as humans inhabit the planet.  If we truly wanted peace, we'd eliminate ourselves.

These are just my opinions.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Down in the Dumps...

...yup, the title says it all.  But, to my benefit, I see on many Facebook statuses that it was not only I who was having a shit of a day.

There's so much to be said for the relief ones feels when either writing or speaking IT out.  I do feel slightly better, although I know that it is a wave of emotions that seems to conquer my thoughts.

Boomeranging from pissed off to anxious to despair to complacence is quite exhausting.  Now with pounding headache, I must return to normality, which includes but is not limited to cooking dinner, picking up the house, finishing and printing homework, and remembering to BREATH.

And so upon further research on this, I've come to the conclusion that it IS a scam, and even though there are some reviews on how it helped, they are vague and posted on unknown/unpopular blogger sites.  The Internet is finite; it's not difficult to get an account and perpetrate as an anxiety-ridden poor soul who stumbled upon your program and how it saved their life.

While I wish there were an easy 1-2-3 to anxiety, I just can't seem to think louder than the voice inside my head screaming SCAM SCAM SCAM.  I got my hopes up...really high.  And now, I'm down in the dumps.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Lest We Forget

9/11 - Can't look at those numbers the same ever again.  A couple of thoughts on this day:

And part deux:

So there's some deep thoughts.  And here's some pictures.  
Since they couldn't get a picture on their favorite stump, they found a NEW favorite stump.
One of their Favorite dug outs in a Redwood.  

We can't ever go to Armstrong Woods and NOT visit the Armstrong Tree.

They beautiful Redwood Theater, where many of the world's famous big bands of the 1920s and 30s have played.

Bread is our friend.

Group photo! Left to right: Ma-in-law Karuna, Jesse, Me, Jadziah, Zack, Mica, and Atreyu

The meditating monster.

It was SUCH a beautiful day!  And I can feel the Princess of Autumn making her way to our little home on the River.  What a great day; great friends to help distract from the bad ones.  A few days ago, Jesse surprised me with this comment: "Friends are God's way of making up for your family."

Amen to THAT!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Off Guard

Howdy y'all!  In honor of my dear friend who's gettin' herself hitched today (and I can't be there for!!!), I'm doin' things Texas-style.

Here's some more complaining:

Yeah, StumbleUpon has been pretty boring today....better get workin' on that homework.  Here's a little tidbit for motivation:

That one's for you, Kapi!  Congrats!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Instant Listener

Ooooooh, blogger's got a new layout!  Niiiiiice!!!

Ok, so we're doin' things a tad different.  I'm lazy, and tired, and wanted to talk, but was sick of the phone.  Then I remembered I have this wonderful MacBook with a built-in camera.  Aha!  Instant listener!!!  So, here's the first of my Video Blogs:

And this one...

and this one...

Here's the link to the Dasa Video