I find it so fascinating how children can be perfectly content in their little worlds of filth and completely and total disorder. It's like as though a toy isn't truly loved unless it's been stepped on, peed on, half broken and established permanent residence on the floor. I remember as a child, the entire side of my bed, which there was a 1.5' gap, was FILLED (as in Landfill!) to the top of MY bed with toys, garbage, papers and clothes. That landfill remained for MONTHS on end until my mother was SO sick of it, she'd threaten to sell me if I didn't organize or put that shit away.
But who am I to say anything, right? I mean, look at what USED to be my room....
Yep, that's our living room! For the past 14 months the hubby and I have been camped out in the living room...and why? Well, at first, it was to give the monsters a room of their own, especially the boy monster, but then after a year of that crap (you wanna talk about filth! oye vey!), we were pretty much done. So I set out looking for a bunkbed, found it, got that bitch installed tout suite, downsized toys, books, etc. and voila! Monsters have a room that they share! Hallelujah!
So yeah, here's my old "bed" room; as you could understand, I wasn't necessarily ready to jump at the opportunity to entertain any house guests with the "love pad" sitting right there, en plein aire. So now, 14 months later, we've moved our bed BACK into the original room which it once came, and it is GLORIOUS!
I've often tried my best to not bitch about the state of living myself and my family are subjected to on a daily basis, because the fact is: we are INCREDIBLY lucky (YES! Lucky!), whether or not we deserve it, to have 4 glorious rooms inside a HOME that isn't in any threat of anything, with the exception of a very moody, glorious chocolately-brown river who's swollen state has many Rats a tad worrisome.
<----Love Grotto #9.
Not too shabby. A bit weird, but HEY! At least we have a door, and a lock, and did I mention a DOOR? No more having to "pretend" to be asleep when really all you're trying to do is achieve ONE morning orgasm, meanwhile the children are running in and out of your "room." Ah....privacy at last!
I grew up in a house that had little to no privacy for most of my childhood, so certain things don't really bother me. In addition to that, we also had a very, VERY bad sense of household cleanliness, ie, it was considered a hazard unless it could self-ignite.
*sigh*All is well, now, because I have a DOOR and I can sleep naked and LOCK the door if need be. Ah, I believe it is the small things like these that set the adults apart from the children.
Amen, Sista! :P